Wetland Plants
For current prices, sizes and availability please click the PDF file or email us at birchgrovenursery@shaw.ca
​Spring / Summer

DENSE SEDGE Very dense perennial sedge. Great for amphibian habitat. Found in seasonal wetland areas.

MERTEN'S SEDGE Blueish colored sedge with tall flower spikes in summer. Found in seasonal wetlands.

SLOUGH SEDGE Evergreen sedge, aides in streambank stabilization due to its vigorous tough root system.


SPIKE RUSH Low growing, mat forming emergent found in shallow water. Important egg laying habitat for amphibians.

FOWL MANAGRASS Fast growing wetland grass. Seed heads provide food source for water fowl. As well as egg laying habitat for Amphibians.

COMMON RUSH This perennial can be found in ditches, meadows, wetlands and other disturbed sites with poorly draining soil.

SKUNK CABBAGE Large leafed perennial, grows 25-150cm tall. Bright yellow, smelly blooms in early spring. prefers shady moist areas.

Our wetland plants are commonly grown in 1gal and 72plug sizes. Custom sizes also available.

HARD-STEM BULLRUSH Thick green hollow stems, 1-3M tall. Found in low standing water. Used in waste water filtration.


CATTAIL Aquatic perennial, stands 1-3M tall. Fuzzy brown cylindrical seed heads in late summer. Used in waste water filtration.

AMERICAN BROOKLIME Blue-flowering perennial, commonly found in wetlands and stream beds across North America.