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Native Perennials
When chosen carefully, native perennials can be used used to enhance the existing landscape. depending on the site requirements, ie sun/shade. Perennials can add a bonus of color, berries, flowers, or texture to the spring and summer landscape.
Did you know?
Native perennial flowers can attract pollinators which is great for the environment.

COMMON YARROW Best for full sun, well draining locations. Attracts pollinators.

MAIDENHAIR FERN Deceivingly delicate looking and surprisingly hardy this fern with dark purple-black stems, grows 15-60cm tall. Prefers a shady, moist, humus rich site.


LADY FERN Large fern, may grow up to 2M tall. Can tolerate sun if soil is consistently moist.

WESTERN RED COLUMBINE Perennial with delicate lace like foliage. Red and yellow blooms May - August. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Prefers lightly shaded sites.

DEER FERN Semi-evergreen fern, usually 20-80cm tall. Grows in a thick clumping manner. Can tolerate some sun if soil is evenly moist.

COMMON CAMAS Perennial bulb that flowers late spring- early summer.

BUNCHBERRY Low-growing groundcover. White dogwood like flowers followed by red berries. Requires light shade and even moisture.

WESTERN BLEEDING HEART Perennial with fern like foliage and pink-purple heart shaped flowers. High shade tolerance.

OREGON GERANIUM Perenial 40-80cm tall. Small purple flowers throughout summer. Found in moist clearings and forest edges.

FALSE LILY OF THE VALLEY Groundcover, spreads rapidly, likes moist shady areas.

SWORD FERN Large evergreen fern which may grow up to 1.5M tall.

OREGON STONECROP Perennial succulent, grows 15 cm tall. Has egg shaped green-bronze foliage. Yellow blooms throughout summer. Needs well draining soil.

BROAD-LEAVED STONECROP Perennial succulent up to 20cm tall. Has flat grey spoon shaped leaves. And bright yellow flowers throughout summer.

GOLDENROD Perennial, large yellow flowers late summer, attracts pollinators. Prefers well draining soil.

FRINGECUP 40-80cm tall perennial with white flowers and heart shaped leaves similar to ornamental Heuchera spp.